Due to health concerns and restrictions it will not be possible to hold the annual shareholders meeting this February. An in-person meeting place is not available and a virtual meeting with over one hundred shareholders is not logistically practical.
There will be a KGIC Directors and Officers Meeting on February 20, 2021, either in-person or virtually, to discuss company business. The Directors are required to vote on the 2022 assessment and intend to make no changes to the current assessment. The Directors & Officers will also assess company finances and improvement projects. The Ag, Ditch Co. raised their assessment by $2/inch (KGIC owns 134 inches), but we should be able to handle this increase for the year.
One project in the planning stages is to make improvements on Lateral 2 from the 1/2 division box at 9660 W. 22nd Pl. The pipe section running northeast has been in dire need of repair and required many hours of volunteer maintenance. The company is looking to re-route that section to shareholders' properties on Hoyt St., using pvc pipe and constructing a new division box; as well as, some other improvements to that section.
The company is also considering re-constructing the main division box, but will have assess the financial cost.
Colorado State University Extension has published updated information about the operation and rights of ditch companies in Colorado.
Kawanee Gardens Mutual Irrigation Company
The company attorney has issued a letter that certifies KGIC as an "Essential Business" during the current mandate issued by the Governor of Colorado, regarding the COVID-19 epidemic.
Certification Letter for Workforce Travel - Colorado
David Devine, President of Kawanee Gardens Mutual Irrigation Company.
DATE April 1, 2020
Dear Sir/Madam:
Please be advised that Kawanee Gardens Mutual Irrigation Company [KGIC] operates a business in the State of Colorado that has been classified as one of the “Essential Businesses and Operations” under Governor Polis' Executive Order D2020-017 (as amended) exempting certain critical services from the stay-at-home Order. This Certification Letter is issued to the bearer of this letter who assists in the maintenance of the KGIC ditch system, based at 2525 Garland St., Lakewood, CO. Kawanee Gardens Mutual Irrigation Company is engaged the irrigation of food and plant cultivation between Linda Vista Dr. to Estes St. and 26th Ave to 20th Ave in Lakewood, CO. This Certification Letter is to attest to the fact that the individual to whom it has been issued is an active employee, or volunteer, of Kawanee Gardens Mutual Irrigation Company and needs to travel to and from our ditch system as part of his or her employment/volunteer duties. Kawanee Gardens Mutual Irrigation Company is a 501(c)3, non-profit Colorado corporation and can verify individual employment/volunteer by contacting one of the phone numbers below in conjunction with this Certification Letter to verify that the individual is a KGIC employee/volunteer. On behalf of Kawanee Gardens Mutual Irrigation Company, please accept our gratitude for your service during these difficult times. If you have any question about this information, you may contact me.
David Devine President
Kawanee Gardens Mutual Irrigation Company
2525/2450 Garland St., Lakewood, CO.
President, David Devine: 303.238.5924
Vice President, Rich Keasling: 303.233.7466
Secretary/Treasurer, Roger Schneider: 303.232.6182
Director, Jeff McKinney: 303.618.0279